Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thank You from Fong Cha

Tsab Community,

Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the Tsab Thooj Xeeb Election for 2011. It has been a wonderful experience in learning about our Tsab Community.I have Tsab Thooj Xeeb to thank for the new relationship and friendships. 

Congratulation to Ly Paul and his team. I would like to see those 5 key points that I address which are;economic, statistic, education, economic development, and culture. The road a head is not an easy task and I wish Ly Paul and his team the best.

Leadership requires two key traits, that is love and compassion, everything else is secondary. If we move forward with that in mind we will be able give our community hope.

Thank you to all voting participants, especially to those of you that voted for me. I know that most of you did not know me before this election. In this short time you have come to believe I would be a good fit for your future and I want to thank you for putting your trust in me with your 1 vote. If you have good intentions you do not need titles and organizations to act, helping each other only requires one prerequisite and that is love. I simple thank you is sufficient. As this new year is coming to a close I wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2012. In the future if anyone would need consulting in regards to my background please feel free to contact me. If in the future, given the opportunity, I would like have a forum for all of us to come together to share and discuss our ideas and knowledge. 

My email is (916.452.3563), feel free to contact me. If this web page is working for you please let me know, as my time and budget is very limited. Thank you.

Fong Cha

Sacramento California


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